mise link
Usage: mise link [-f --force] <TOOL@VERSION> <PATH>
Aliases: ln
Symlinks a tool version into mise
Use this for adding installs either custom compiled outside mise or built with a different tool.
Tool name and version to create a symlink for
The local path to the tool version e.g.: ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.0.0
-f --force
Overwrite an existing tool version if it exists
# build node-20.0.0 with node-build and link it into mise
$ node-build 20.0.0 ~/.nodes/20.0.0
$ mise link [email protected] ~/.nodes/20.0.0
# have mise use the python version provided by Homebrew
$ brew install node
$ mise link node@brew $(brew --prefix node)
$ mise use node@brew