mise outdated
Usage: mise outdated [FLAGS] [TOOL@VERSION]...
Shows outdated tool versions
See mise upgrade
to upgrade these versions.
Tool(s) to show outdated versions for e.g.: node@20 [email protected] If not specified, all tools in global and local configs will be shown
-l --bump
Compares against the latest versions available, not what matches the current config
For example, if you have node = "20"
in your config by default mise outdated
will only show other 20.x versions, not 21.x or 22.x versions.
Using this flag, if there are 21.x or newer versions it will display those instead of 20.x.
-J --json
Output in JSON format
Don't show table header
$ mise outdated
Plugin Requested Current Latest
python 3.11 3.11.0 3.11.1
node 20 20.0.0 20.1.0
$ mise outdated node
Plugin Requested Current Latest
node 20 20.0.0 20.1.0
$ mise outdated --json
{"python": {"requested": "3.11", "current": "3.11.0", "latest": "3.11.1"}, ...}