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mise use

Usage: mise use [FLAGS] [TOOL@VERSION]...

Aliases: u

Installs a tool and adds the version it to mise.toml.

This will install the tool version if it is not already installed. By default, this will use a mise.toml file in the current directory.

Use the --global flag to use the global config file instead.



Tool(s) to add to config file

e.g.: node@20, cargo:ripgrep@latest npm:prettier@3 If no version is specified, it will default to @latest


-f --force

Force reinstall even if already installed


Save fuzzy version to config file

e.g.: mise use --fuzzy node@20 will save 20 as the version this is the default behavior unless MISE_PIN=1 or MISE_ASDF_COMPAT=1

-g --global

Use the global config file (~/.config/mise/config.toml) instead of the local one

-e --env <ENV>

Modify an environment-specific config file like .mise.<env>.toml

-j --jobs <JOBS>

Number of jobs to run in parallel [default: 4]


Directly pipe stdin/stdout/stderr from plugin to user Sets --jobs=1

--remove... <PLUGIN>

Remove the plugin(s) from config file

-p --path <PATH>

Specify a path to a config file or directory

If a directory is specified, it will look for mise.toml (default) or .tool-versions if MISE_ASDF_COMPAT=1


Save exact version to config file e.g.: mise use --pin node@20 will save 20.0.0 as the version Set MISE_PIN=1 or MISE_ASDF_COMPAT=1 to make this the default behavior


# set the current version of node to 20.x in mise.toml of current directory
# will write the fuzzy version (e.g.: 20)
$ mise use node@20

# set the current version of node to 20.x in ~/.config/mise/config.toml
# will write the precise version (e.g.: 20.0.0)
$ mise use -g --pin node@20

# sets .mise.local.toml (which is intended not to be committed to a project)
$ mise use --env local node@20

# sets .mise.staging.toml (which is used if MISE_ENV=staging)
$ mise use --env staging node@20

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