- Usage:
Task to run.
Shorthand for mise task run <TASK>
Global Flags
-C --cd <DIR>
Change directory before running command
-E --env... <ENV>
Set the environment for loading mise.<ENV>.toml
-j --jobs <JOBS>
How many jobs to run in parallel [default: 8]
Read/write directly to stdin/stdout/stderr instead of by line
-y --yes
Answer yes to all confirmation prompts
-q --quiet
Suppress non-error messages
Suppress all task output and mise non-error messages
-v --verbose...
Show extra output (use -vv for even more)
--output <OUTPUT>
Do not load any config files
Can also use MISE_NO_CONFIG=1
mise activate [FLAGS] [SHELL_TYPE]
mise alias [-p --plugin <PLUGIN>] [--no-header] <SUBCOMMAND>
mise alias get <PLUGIN> <ALIAS>
mise alias ls [--no-header] [TOOL]
mise alias set <ARGS>…
mise alias unset <PLUGIN> <ALIAS>
mise backends <SUBCOMMAND>
mise backends ls
mise bin-paths [TOOL@VERSION]...
mise cache <SUBCOMMAND>
mise cache clear [PLUGIN]...
mise cache prune [--dry-run] [-v --verbose...] [PLUGIN]...
mise completion [--include-bash-completion-lib] [SHELL]
mise config [FLAGS] <SUBCOMMAND>
mise config generate [-t --tool-versions <TOOL_VERSIONS>] [-o --output <OUTPUT>]
mise config get [-f --file <FILE>] [KEY]
mise config ls [FLAGS]
mise config set [-f --file <FILE>] [-t --type <TYPE>] <KEY> <VALUE>
mise deactivate
mise doctor [-J --json] <SUBCOMMAND>
mise doctor path [-f --full]
mise en [-s --shell <SHELL>] [DIR]
mise env [FLAGS] [TOOL@VERSION]...
mise exec [FLAGS] [TOOL@VERSION]... [-- COMMAND]...
mise fmt [-a --all]
mise generate <SUBCOMMAND>
mise generate bootstrap [FLAGS]
mise generate config [-t --tool-versions <TOOL_VERSIONS>] [-o --output <OUTPUT>]
mise generate git-pre-commit [FLAGS]
mise generate github-action [FLAGS]
mise generate task-docs [FLAGS]
mise generate task-stubs [-m --mise-bin <MISE_BIN>] [-d --dir <DIR>]
mise implode [--config] [-n --dry-run]
mise install [FLAGS] [TOOL@VERSION]...
mise install-into <TOOL@VERSION> <PATH>
mise latest [-i --installed] <TOOL@VERSION>
mise link [-f --force] <TOOL@VERSION> <PATH>
mise ls-remote [--all] [TOOL@VERSION] [PREFIX]
mise outdated [FLAGS] [TOOL@VERSION]...
mise plugins [FLAGS] <SUBCOMMAND>
mise plugins install [FLAGS] [NEW_PLUGIN] [GIT_URL]
mise plugins link [-f --force] <NAME> [DIR]
mise plugins ls [-u --urls]
mise plugins ls-remote [-u --urls] [--only-names]
mise plugins uninstall [-p --purge] [-a --all] [PLUGIN]...
mise plugins update [-j --jobs <JOBS>] [PLUGIN]...
mise prune [FLAGS] [INSTALLED_TOOL]...
mise registry [-b --backend <BACKEND>] [--hide-aliased] [NAME]
mise reshim [-f --force]
mise run [FLAGS]
mise self-update [FLAGS] [VERSION]
mise set [--file <FILE>] [-g --global] [ENV_VAR]...
mise settings add [-l --local] <SETTING> <VALUE>
mise settings get [-l --local] <SETTING>
mise settings ls [FLAGS] [SETTING]
mise settings set [-l --local] <SETTING> <VALUE>
mise settings unset [-l --local] <KEY>
mise shell [FLAGS] <TOOL@VERSION>...
mise sync <SUBCOMMAND>
mise sync node [FLAGS]
mise sync python [--pyenv] [--uv]
mise sync ruby [--brew]
mise tasks [FLAGS] [TASK] <SUBCOMMAND>
mise tasks add [FLAGS] <TASK> [-- RUN]...
mise tasks deps [--hidden] [--dot] [TASKS]...
mise tasks edit [-p --path] <TASK>
mise tasks info [-J --json] <TASK>
mise tasks ls [FLAGS]
mise tasks run [FLAGS] [TASK] [ARGS]...
mise test-tool [FLAGS] [TOOL]
mise tool [FLAGS] <TOOL>
mise trust [FLAGS] [CONFIG_FILE]
mise uninstall [-a --all] [-n --dry-run] [INSTALLED_TOOL@VERSION]...
mise unset [-f --file <FILE>] [-g --global] [ENV_KEY]...
mise unuse [--no-prune] [-g --global] <INSTALLED_TOOL@VERSION>...
mise upgrade [FLAGS] [TOOL@VERSION]...
mise use [FLAGS] [TOOL@VERSION]...
mise version [-J --json]
mise watch [FLAGS] [TASK] [ARGS]...
mise where <TOOL@VERSION>
mise which [FLAGS] [BIN_NAME]