mise watch
Usage: mise watch [-t --task... <TASK>] [-g --glob... <GLOB>] [ARGS]...
Aliases: w
[experimental] Run task(s) and watch for changes to rerun it
This command uses the watchexec
tool to watch for changes to files and rerun the specified task(s). It must be installed for this command to work, but you can install it with mise use -g watchexec@latest
Extra arguments
-t --task... <TASK>
Tasks to run
-g --glob... <GLOB>
Files to watch Defaults to sources from the tasks(s)
$ mise watch -t build
Runs the "build" tasks. Will re-run the tasks when any of its sources change.
Uses "sources" from the tasks definition to determine which files to watch.
$ mise watch -t build --glob src/**/*.rs
Runs the "build" tasks but specify the files to watch with a glob pattern.
This overrides the "sources" from the tasks definition.
$ mise run -t build --clear
Extra arguments are passed to watchexec. See `watchexec --help` for details.