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mise watch [OPTIONS] [ARGS]... experimental

Aliases: w

[experimental] Run a tasks watching for changes

Usage: watch [OPTIONS] [ARGS]...

          Extra arguments

  -t, --task <TASK>
          Tasks to run
          [default: default]

  -g, --glob <GLOB>
          Files to watch
          Defaults to sources from the tasks(s)

    $ mise watch -t build
    Runs the "build" tasks. Will re-run the tasks when any of its sources change.
    Uses "sources" from the tasks definition to determine which files to watch.

    $ mise watch -t build --glob src/**/*.rs
    Runs the "build" tasks but specify the files to watch with a glob pattern.
    This overrides the "sources" from the tasks definition.

    $ mise run -t build --clear
    Extra arguments are passed to watchexec. See `watchexec --help` for details.

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