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mise activate doesn't work in ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.zprofile

mise activate should only be used in rc files. These are the interactive ones used when a real user is using the terminal. (As opposed to being executed by an IDE or something). The prompt isn't displayed in non-interactive environments so PATH won't be modified.

For non-interactive setups, consider using shims instead which will route calls to the correct directory by looking at PWD every time they're executed. You can also call mise exec instead of expecting things to be directly on PATH. You can also run mise env in a non-interactive shell, however that will only setup the global tools. It won't modify the environment variables when entering into a different project.

Also see the shebang example for a way to make scripts call mise to get the runtime. That is another way to use mise without activation.

mise is failing or not working right

First try setting MISE_DEBUG=1 or MISE_TRACE=1 and see if that gives you more information. You can also set MISE_LOG_FILE_LEVEL=debug MISE_LOG_FILE=/path/to/logfile to write logs to a file.

If something is happening with the activate hook, you can try disabling it and calling eval "$(mise hook-env)" manually. It can also be helpful to use mise env which will just output environment variables that would be set. Also consider using shims which can be more compatible.

If runtime installation isn't working right, try using the --raw flag which will install things in series and connect stdin/stdout/stderr directly to the terminal. If a plugin is trying to interact with you for some reason this will make it work.

Of course check the version of mise with mise --version and make sure it is the latest. Use mise self-update to update it. mise cache clean can be used to wipe the internal cache and mise implode can be used to remove everything except config.

Before submitting a ticket, it's a good idea to test what you were doing with asdf. That way we can rule out if the issue is with mise or if it's with a particular plugin. For example, if mise install python@latest doesn't work, try running asdf install python latest to see if it's an issue with asdf-python.

Lastly, there is mise doctor which will show diagnostic information and any warnings about issues detected with your setup. If you submit a bug report, please include the output of mise doctor.

The wrong version of a tool is being used

Likely this means that mise isn't first in PATH—using shims or mise activate. You can verify if this is the case by calling which -a, for example, if [email protected] is being used but mise specifies [email protected], first make sure that mise has this version installed and active by running mise ls node. It should not say missing and have the correct "Requested" version:

$ mise ls node
Plugin  Version  Config Source       Requested
node    22.0.0  ~/.mise/config.toml  22.0.0

If node -v isn't showing the right version, make sure mise is activated by running mise doctor. It should not have a "problem" listed about mise not being activated. Lastly, run which -a node. If the directory listed is not a mise directory, then mise is not first in PATH. Whichever node is being run first needs to have its directory set before mise is. Typically this means setting PATH for mise shims at the end of bashrc/zshrc.

If using mise activate, you have another option of enabling MISE_ACTIVATE_AGGRESSIVE=1 which will have mise always prepend its tools to be first in PATH. If you're using something that also modifies paths dynamically like mise activate does, this may not work because the other tool may be modifying PATH after mise does.

If nothing else, you can run things with mise x -- to ensure that the correct version is being used.

New version of a tool is not available

There are 2 places that versions are cached so a brand new release might not appear right away.

The first is that the mise CLI caches versions for. The cache can be cleared with mise cache clear.

The second uses the host as a centralized place to list all of the versions of most plugins. This is intended to speed up mise and also get around GitHub rate limits when querying for new versions. Check that repo for your plugin to see if it has an updated version. This service can be disabled by setting MISE_USE_VERSIONS_HOST=0.

Windows problems

Very basic support for windows is currently available, however because Windows can't support asdf plugins, they must use core and vfox only—which means only a handful of tools are available on Windows.

As of this writing, env var management and task execution are not yet supported on Windows.

mise isn't working when calling from tmux or another shell initialization script

mise activate will not update PATH until the shell prompt is displayed. So if you need to access a tool provided by mise before the prompt is displayed you can either add the shims to your PATH e.g.

export PATH="$HOME/.local/share/mise/shims:$PATH"
python --version # will work after adding shims to PATH

Or you can manually call hook-env:

eval "$(mise activate bash)"
eval "$(mise hook-env)"
python --version # will work only after calling hook-env explicitly

For more information, see What does mise activate do?

Is mise secure?

Providing a secure supply chain is incredibly important. mise already provides a more secure experience when compared to asdf. Security-oriented evaluations and contributions are welcome. We also urge users to look after the plugins they use, and urge plugin authors to look after the users they serve.

For more details see

Licensed under the MIT License. Maintained by @jdx and friends.