(pronounced "meez") or "mise-en-place" is a development environment setup tool. The name refers to a French culinary phrase that roughly translates to "setup" or "put in place". The idea is that before one begins cooking, they should have all their utensils and ingredients ready to go in their place.
does the same for your projects. Using its mise.toml
config file, you'll have a consistent way to setup and interact with your projects no matter what language they're written in.
Its functionality is grouped into 3 categories described below.
installs and manages dev tools/runtimes like node, python, or terraform both simplifying installing these tools and allowing you to specify which version of these tools to use in different projects. mise
supports hundreds of dev tools.
manages environment variables letting you specify configuration like AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
that may differ between projects. It can also be used to automatically activate a Python virtualenv when entering projects too.
is a task runner that can be used to share common tasks within a project among developers and make things like running tasks on file changes easy.
was initially created by Jeff Dickey. The goal is to make local development of software easy and consistent across languages. Jeff has spent many years building dev tools and thinking about the problems that mise
This project is simply a labor of love. Jeff created it because he wanted to make your life as a developer easier. We hope you find it useful. Feedback is a massive driver for us. If you have anything positive or negative to say-even if it's just to say hi-please reach out to me either on Twitter, Mastodon, Discord, or jdx at this domain