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mise.toml is the config file for mise. They can be at any of the following file paths (in order of precedence, top overrides configuration of lower paths):

  • mise.local.toml - used for local config, this should not be committed to source control
  • mise.toml
  • mise/config.toml
  • .config/mise.toml - use this in order to group config files into a common directory
  • .config/mise/config.toml
  • .config/mise/conf.d/*.toml - all files in this directory will be loaded in alphabetical order


Run mise cfg to figure out what order mise is loading files on your particular setup. This is often a lot easier than figuring out mise's rules.


  • Paths which start with mise can be dotfiles, e.g.: mise.toml or .mise/config.toml.
  • This list doesn't include Configuration Environments which allow for environment-specific config files like mise.development.toml—set with MISE_ENV=development.
  • See LOCAL_CONFIG_FILENAMES in src/config/ for the actual code for these paths and their precedence. Some legacy paths are not listed here for brevity.

These files recurse upwards, so if you have a ~/src/work/myproj/mise.toml file, what is defined there will override anything set in ~/src/work/mise.toml or ~/.config/mise.toml. The config contents are merged together.


Run mise config to see what files mise has loaded in order of precedence.

Here is what a mise.toml looks like:

# supports arbitrary env vars so mise can be used like direnv/dotenv
NODE_ENV = 'production'

# specify single or multiple versions
terraform = '1.0.0'
erlang = ['23.3', '24.0']

# supports everything you can do with .tool-versions currently
node = ['16', 'prefix:20', 'ref:master', 'path:~/.nodes/14']

[alias.node.versions] # project-local aliases
# use vfox:version-fox/vfox-nodejs when running `mise i node@backend`
backend = "vfox:version-fox/vfox-nodejs"
# install node-20.x when running `mise i node@my_custom_node`
my_custom_node = '20'

run = 'echo "running build tasks"'

# DEPRECATED: use `alias.<PLUGIN>` instead
# specify a custom repo url
# note this will only be used if the plugin does not already exist
python = ''

mise.toml files are hierarchical. The configuration in a file in the current directory will override conflicting configuration in parent directories. For example, if ~/src/myproj/mise.toml defines the following:

node = '20'
python = '3.10'

And ~/src/myproj/backend/mise.toml defines:

node = '18'
ruby = '3.1'

Then when inside of ~/src/myproj/backend, node will be 18, python will be 3.10, and ruby will be 3.1. You can check the active versions with mise ls --current.

You can also have environment specific config files like .mise.production.toml, see Configuration Environments for more details.

[tools] - Dev tools

See Tools.

[env] - Arbitrary Environment Variables

See environments.

[tasks.*] - Run files or shell scripts

See Tasks.

[settings] - Mise Settings

See Settings for the full list of settings.

[plugins] - Specify Custom Plugin Repository URLs

Use [plugins] to add/modify plugin shortnames. Note that this will only modify new plugin installations. Existing plugins can use any URL.

elixir = ""
node = "" # supports specific gitref

If you simply want to install a plugin from a specific URL once, it's better to use mise plugin install plugin <GIT_URL>. Add this section to mise.toml if you want to share the plugin location/revision with other developers in your project.

This is similar to MISE_SHORTHANDS but doesn't require a separate file.

[aliases] - Tool version aliases

The following makes mise install node@my_custom_node install node-20.x this can also be specified in a plugin. note adding an alias will also add a symlink, in this case:

~/.local/share/mise/installs/node/20 -> ./20.x.x
my_custom_node = '20'

Minimum mise version

Specify the minimum supported version of mise required for the configuration file. If the configuration file specifies a version of mise that is higher than the currently installed version, mise will error out.

min_version = '2024.11.1'

mise.toml schema

Global config: ~/.config/mise/config.toml

mise can be configured in ~/.config/mise/config.toml. It's like local mise.toml files except that it is used for all directories.

# global tool versions go here
# you can set these with `mise use -g`
node = 'lts'
python = ['3.10', '3.11']

# plugins can read the versions files used by other version managers (if enabled by the plugin)
# for example, .nvmrc in the case of node's nvm
idiomatic_version_file = true                     # enabled by default (unlike asdf)
idiomatic_version_file_disable_tools = ['python'] # disable for specific tools

# configure `mise install` to always keep the downloaded archive
always_keep_download = false        # deleted after install by default
always_keep_install = false         # deleted on failure by default

# configure how frequently (in minutes) to fetch updated plugin repository changes
# this is updated whenever a new runtime is installed
# (note: this isn't currently implemented but there are plans to add it:
plugin_autoupdate_last_check_duration = '1 week' # set to 0 to disable updates

# config files with these prefixes will be trusted by default
trusted_config_paths = [

verbose = false       # set to true to see full installation output, see `MISE_VERBOSE`
http_timeout = "30s"  # set the timeout for http requests as duration string, see `MISE_HTTP_TIMEOUT`
jobs = 4              # number of plugins or runtimes to install in parallel. The default is `4`.
raw = false           # set to true to directly pipe plugins to stdin/stdout/stderr
yes = false           # set to true to automatically answer yes to all prompts

not_found_auto_install = true # see MISE_NOT_FOUND_AUTO_INSTALL
task_output = "prefix" # see Tasks Runner for more information
paranoid = false       # see MISE_PARANOID

shorthands_file = '~/.config/mise/shorthands.toml' # path to the shorthands file, see `MISE_SHORTHANDS_FILE`
disable_default_shorthands = false # disable the default shorthands, see `MISE_DISABLE_DEFAULT_SHORTHANDS`
disable_tools = ['node']           # disable specific tools, generally used to turn off core tools

env_file = '.env' # load env vars from a dotenv file, see `MISE_ENV_FILE`

experimental = true # enable experimental features

# configure messages displayed when entering directories with config files
status = { missing_tools = "if_other_versions_installed", show_env = false, show_tools = false }

# "_" is a special key for information you'd like to put into mise.toml that mise will never parse
foo = "bar"

System config: /etc/mise/config.toml

Similar to ~/.config/mise/config.toml but for all users on the system. This is useful for setting defaults for all users.


The .tool-versions file is asdf's config file and it can be used in mise just like mise.toml. It isn't as flexible so it's recommended to use mise.toml instead. It can be useful if you already have a lot of .tool-versions files or work on a team that uses asdf.

Here is an example with all the supported syntax:

node        20.0.0       # comments are allowed
ruby        3            # can be fuzzy version
shellcheck  latest       # also supports "latest"
jq          1.6
erlang      ref:master   # compile from vcs ref
go          prefix:1.19  # uses the latest 1.19.x version—needed in case "1.19" is an exact match
shfmt       path:./shfmt # use a custom runtime
node        lts          # use lts version of node (not supported by all plugins)

node        sub-2:lts      # install 2 versions behind the latest lts (e.g.: 18 if lts is 20)
python      sub-0.1:latest # install python-3.10 if the latest is 3.11

See the asdf docs for more info on this file format.


Both mise.toml and .tool-versions support "scopes" which modify the behavior of the version:

  • ref:<SHA> - compile from a vcs (usually git) ref
  • prefix:<PREFIX> - use the latest version that matches the prefix. Useful for Go since 1.20 would only match 1.20 exactly but prefix:1.20 will match 1.20.1 and 1.20.2 etc.
  • path:<PATH> - use a custom compiled version at the given path. One use-case is to re-use Homebrew tools (e.g.: path:/opt/homebrew/opt/node@20).
  • sub-<PARTIAL_VERSION>:<ORIG_VERSION> - subtracts PARTIAL_VERSION from ORIG_VERSION. This can be used to express something like "2 versions behind lts" such as sub-2:lts. Or 1 minor version behind the latest version: sub-0.1:latest.

Idiomatic version files

mise supports "idiomatic version files" just like asdf. They're language-specific files like .node-version and .python-version. These are ideal for setting the runtime version of a project without forcing other developers to use a specific tool like mise or asdf.

They support aliases, which means you can have an .nvmrc file with lts/hydrogen and it will work in mise and nvm. Here are some of the supported idiomatic version files:

PluginIdiomatic Files
go.go-version, go.mod, .sdkmanrc
node.nvmrc, .node-version
python.python-version, .python-versions
ruby.ruby-version, Gemfile
terraform.terraform-version, .packer-version,

In mise these are enabled by default. You can disable them with:

  • mise settings idiomatic_version_file false for all tools (docs)
  • mise settings idiomatic_version_file_disable_tools python for a specific tool such as Python (docs)

There is a performance cost to having these when they're parsed as it's performed by the plugin in bin/parse-version-file. However, these are cached so it's not a huge deal. You may not even notice.


asdf called these "legacy version files". I think this was a bad name since it implies that they shouldn't be used—which is definitely not the case IMO. I prefer the term "idiomatic" version files since they are version files not specific to asdf/mise and can be used by other tools. (.nvmrc being a notable exception, which is tied to a specific tool.)


See Settings for the full list of settings.


See Tasks for the full list of configuration options.

Environment variables


Normally environment variables in mise are used to set settings so most environment variables are in that doc. The following are environment variables that are not settings.

A setting in mise is generally something that can be configured either as an environment variable or set in a config file.

mise can also be configured via environment variables. The following options are available:


Default: ~/.local/share/mise or $XDG_DATA_HOME/mise

This is the directory where mise stores plugins and tool installs. These are not supposed to be shared across machines.


Default (Linux): ~/.cache/mise or $XDG_CACHE_HOME/mise Default (macOS): ~/Library/Caches/mise or $XDG_CACHE_HOME/mise

This is the directory where mise stores internal cache. This is not supposed to be shared across machines. It may be deleted at any time mise is not running.


Default: std::env::temp_dir() implementation in rust

This is used for temporary storage such as when installing tools.


Default: /etc/mise

This is the directory where mise stores system-wide configuration.


Default: $MISE_CONFIG_DIR/config.toml (Usually ~/.config/mise/config.toml)

This is the path to the config file.


Default: $HOME

This is the path which is used as {{config_root}} for the global config file.


Set to a filename to read from env from a dotenv file. e.g.: MISE_ENV_FILE=.env. Uses dotenvy under the hood.


Set the version for a runtime. For example, MISE_NODE_VERSION=20 will use [email protected] regardless of what is set in mise.toml/.tool-versions.


This is a list of paths that mise will automatically mark as trusted. They can be separated with :.


These change the verbosity of mise.

You can also use MISE_DEBUG=1, MISE_TRACE=1, and MISE_QUIET=1 as well as --log-level=trace|debug|info|warn|error.


Output logs to a file.


Same as MISE_LOG_LEVEL but for the log file output level. This is useful if you want to store the logs but not have them litter your display.


Equivalent to MISE_LOG_LEVEL=warn.


Set the timeout for http requests in seconds. The default is 30.


Set to "1" to directly pipe plugin scripts to stdin/stdout/stderr. By default stdin is disabled because when installing a bunch of plugins in parallel you won't see the prompt. Use this if a plugin accepts input or otherwise does not seem to be installing correctly.

Sets MISE_JOBS=1 because only 1 plugin script can be executed at a time.


Configures the vendor_conf.d script for fish shell to automatically activate. This file is automatically used in homebrew and potentially other installs to automatically activate mise without configuring.

Defaults to enabled, set to "0" to disable.

Licensed under the MIT License. Maintained by @jdx and friends.