File Tasks
In addition to defining tasks through the configuration, they can also be defined as standalone script files in one of the following directories:
Here is an example of a file task that builds a Rust CLI:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#MISE description="Build the CLI"
cargo build
Ensure that the file is executable, otherwise mise will not be able to detect it.
The mise:description
comment is optional but recommended. It will be used in the output of mise tasks
. The other configuration for "script" tasks is supported in this format so you can specify things like the following-note that this is parsed a TOML table:
#MISE alias="b"
#MISE sources=["Cargo.toml", "src/**/*.rs"]
#MISE outputs=["target/debug/mycli"]
#MISE depends=["lint", "test"]
Assuming that file was located in .mise/tasks/build
, it can then be run with mise run build
(or with its alias: mise run b
). This script can be edited with by running mise task edit build
(using $EDITOR). If it doesn't exist it will be created. These are convenient for quickly making new scripts. Having the code in a bash file and not TOML helps make it work better in editors since they can do syntax highlighting and linting more easily. They also still work great for non-mise users—though of course they'll need to find a different way to install their dev tools the tasks might use.
Task Grouping
File tasks in .mise/tasks
, mise/tasks
, or .config/mise/tasks
can be grouped into sub-directories which will automatically apply prefixes to their names when loaded.
With a folder structure like below:
└── tasks
├── build
└── test
├── integration
└── units
Running mise tasks
will give the below output:
$ mise tasks
Name Description Source
build .../.mise/tasks/build
test:integration .../.mise/tasks/test/integration
test:units .../.mise/tasks/test/units
usage spec can be used within these files to provide argument parsing, autocompletion, documentation when running mise and can be exported to markdown. Essentially this turns tasks into fully-fledged CLIs.
The usage
CLI is not required to execute mise tasks with the usage spec. However, for completions to work, the usage
CLI must be installed and available in the PATH.
Here is an example of a file task that builds a Rust CLI using some of the features of usage:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
#USAGE flag "-c --clean" help="Clean the build directory before building"
#USAGE flag "-p --profile <profile>" help="Build with the specified profile" {
#USAGE choices "debug" "release"
#USAGE flag "-u --user <user>" help="The user to build for"
#USAGE complete "user" run="mycli users"
#USAGE arg "<target>" help="The target to build"
if [ "$usage_clean" = "true" ]; then
cargo clean
cargo build --profile "${usage_profile:-debug}" --target "$usage_target"
Completions will now be enabled for your task. In this example, mise run build --profile <tab><tab>
will show debug
and release
as options. The --user
flag will also show completions generated by the output of mycli users
(Note that cli and markdown help for tasks is not yet implemented in mise as of this writing but that is planned.)