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Aqua Backend

Aqua tools may be used natively in mise. aqua is the ideal backend to use for new tools since they don't require plugins, they work on windows, they offer security features like cosign/slsa verification in addition to checksums. aqua installs also show more progress bars, which is nice.

You do not need to separately install aqua. The aqua CLI is not used in mise at all. What is used is the aqua registry which is a bunch of yaml files that get compiled into the mise binary on release. Here's an example of one of these files: aqua:hashicorp/terraform. mise has a reimplementation of aqua that knows how to work with these files to install tools.

As of this writing, aqua is relatively new to mise and because a lot of tools are being converted from asdf to aqua, there may be some configuration in aqua tools that need to be tightened up. I put some common issues below and would strongly recommend contributing changes back to the aqua registry if you notice problems. The maintainer is super responsive and great to work with.

If all else fails, you can disable aqua entirely with MISE_DISABLE_BACKENDS=aqua.

Currently aqua tools don't support setting environment variables or doing more than simply downloading binaries though (and I'm not sure this functionality would ever get added), so some tools will likely always require plugins like asdf/vfox.

The code for this is inside the mise repository at ./src/backend/


The following installs the latest version of ripgrep and sets it as the active version on PATH:

$ mise use -g aqua:BurntSushi/ripgrep
$ rg --version
ripgrep 14.1.1

The version will be set in ~/.config/mise/config.toml with the following format:

"aqua:BurntSushi/ripgrep" = "latest"

Some tools will default to use aqua if they're specified in registry.toml to use the aqua backend. To see these tools, run mise registry | grep aqua:.



  • Type: Bool
  • Default: true

Use cosign to verify aqua tool signatures.


  • Type: string[](optional)
  • Default: None

Extra arguments to pass to cosign when verifying aqua tool signatures.


  • Type: Bool
  • Default: true

Use minisign to verify aqua tool signatures.


  • Type: Url(optional)
  • Default: None

URL to fetch aqua registry from. This is used to install tools from the aqua registry.

By default, the official aqua registry is used:

However when this is not specified, instead of cloning the entire registry each individual tool's metadata is fetched via HTTP individually.


  • Type: Bool
  • Default: true

Use SLSA to verify aqua tool signatures.

Common aqua issues

Here's some common issues I've seen when working with aqua tools.

Supported env missing

The aqua registry defines supported envs for each tool of the os/arch. I've noticed some of these are simply missing os/arch combos that are in fact supported—possibly because it was added after the registry was created for that tool.

The fix is simple, just edit the supported_envs section of registry.yaml for the tool in question.

Using version_filter instead of version_prefix

This is a weird one that causes weird issues in mise. In general in mise we like versions like 1.2.3 with no decoration like v1.2.3 or cli-v1.2.3. This consistency not only makes mise.toml cleaner but, it also helps make things like mise up function right because it's able to parse it as semver without dealing with a bunch of edge-cases.

Really if you notice aqua tools are giving you versions that aren't simple triplets, it's worth fixing.

One common thing I've seen is registries using a version_filter expression like Version startsWith "Version startsWith "atlascli/"".

This ultimately causes the version to be atlascli/1.2.3 which is not what we want. The fix is to use version_prefix instead of version_filter and just put the prefix in the version_prefix field. In this example, it would be atlascli/. mise will automatically strip this out and add it back in, which it can't do with version_filter.

Licensed under the MIT License. Maintained by @jdx and friends.