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mise activate

Initializes mise in the current shell session

This should go into your shell's rc file or login shell. Otherwise, it will only take effect in the current session. (e.g. ~/.zshrc, ~/.zprofile, ~/.zshenv, ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.profile, ~/.config/fish/, or $PROFILE for powershell)

Typically, this can be added with something like the following:

echo 'eval "$(mise activate zsh)"' >> ~/.zshrc

However, this requires that "mise" is in your PATH. If it is not, you need to specify the full path like this:

echo 'eval "$(/path/to/mise activate zsh)"' >> ~/.zshrc

Customize status output with status settings.



Shell type to generate the script for


  • bash
  • elvish
  • fish
  • nu
  • xonsh
  • zsh
  • pwsh



Use shims instead of modifying PATH Effectively the same as:


mise activate --shims does not support all the features of mise activate. See for more information

-q --quiet

Suppress non-error messages


Do not automatically call hook-env

This can be helpful for debugging mise. If you run eval "$(mise activate --no-hook-env)", then you can call mise hook-env manually which will output the env vars to stdout without actually modifying the environment. That way you can do things like mise hook-env --trace to get more information or just see the values that hook-env is outputting.


eval "$(mise activate bash)"
eval "$(mise activate zsh)"
mise activate fish | source
execx($(mise activate xonsh))
(&mise activate pwsh) | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

Licensed under the MIT License. Maintained by @jdx and friends.