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Like sdkman, mise can manage multiple versions of Java on the same system.

The following are instructions for using the java mise core plugin. This is used when there isn't a git plugin installed named "java". If you want to use asdf-java then use mise plugins install java GIT_URL.

The code for this is inside the mise repository at ./src/plugins/core/


The following installs the latest version of openjdk-21.x (if some version of openjdk-21.x is not already installed) and makes it the global default:

mise use -g java@openjdk-21
mise use -g java@21         # alternate shorthands for openjdk-only

You can also install a jdk from a different vendor:

mise use -g java@temurin-21
mise use -g java@zulu-21
mise use -g java@corretto-21

See available versions with mise ls-remote java. com>.


Note that shorthand versions (like 21 in the example) use OpenJDK as the vendor. The OpenJDK versions will only be updated for a 6-month period. Updates and security patches will not be available after this short period. This also applies for LTS versions.

For more information on which JDK to choose, see

macOS JAVA_HOME Integration

Some applications in macOS rely on /usr/libexec/java_home to find installed Java runtimes.

To integrate an installed Java runtime with macOS run the following commands for the proper version (e.g. openjdk-21).

sudo mkdir /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-21.jdk
sudo ln -s ~/.local/share/mise/installs/java/openjdk-21/Contents /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-21.jdk/Contents

Note: Not all distributions of the Java SDK support this integration (e.g liberica).

.java-version and .sdkmanrc files support

The Java core plugin supports the idiomatic version files .java-version and .sdkmanrc. See idiomatic version files.

For .sdkmanrc files, mise will try to map the vendor and version to the appropriate version string. For example, the version 20.0.2-tem will be mapped to temurin-20.0.2. Due to Azul's Zulu versioning, the version 11.0.12-zulu will be mapped to the major version zulu-11.

Not all vendors available in sdkman are supported by mise. The following vendors are NOT supported: bsg (Bisheng), graal (GraalVM), nik (Liberica NIK).

Using unsupported versions

In case an unsupported version of java is needed, some manual work is required:

  1. Download the unsupported version to a directory (e.g ~/.sdkman/candidates/java/21.0.1-open)
  2. symlink the new version:
ln -s ~/.sdkman/candidates/java/21.0.1-open ~/.local/share/mise/installs/java/21.0.1-open
  1. If on Mac:
mkdir ~/.local/share/mise/installs/java/21.0.1-open/Contents
mkdir ~/.local/share/mise/installs/java/21.0.1-open/Contents/MacOS

ln -s ~/.sdkman/candidates/java/21.0.1-open ~/.local/share/mise/installs/java/21.0.1-open/Contents/Home
cp ~/.local/share/mise/installs/java/21.0.1-open/lib/libjli.dylib ~/.local/share/mise/installs/java/21.0.1-open/Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib
  1. Don't forget to make sure the cache is blocked and valid, by making sure an empty directory exists for your version in the mise cache: e.g.
$ ls -R $MISE_CACHE_DIR/java


Tool Options

The following tool-options are available for the java backend. These options go in the [tools] section in mise.toml.


The release_type option allows you to specify the type of release to install. The following values are supported:

  • ga (default): General Availability release
  • ea: Early Access release
"java" = { version = "openjdk-21", release_type = "ea" }

Gradle toolchains detection

Gradle can automatically detect toolchains installed by some tools (see toolchain | auto-detection).

At the moment, Gradle does not support auto-detecting Java installations by mise (see gradle/issues/29508 and gradle/issues/29355). A workaround is to leverage the fact that mise install layout is similar to the one used by asdf.

mkdir -p ~/.asdf/installs/ && ln -s ~/.local/share/mise/installs/java ~/.asdf/installs/

Otherwise, you can always use the foojay-resolver-convention plugin to let Gradle automatically install JDKs required by your project.

Licensed under the MIT License. Maintained by @jdx and friends.