You can create your own presets by leveraging mise tasks to reduce boilerplate and make it easier to set up new projects.
Example python preset
Here is an example of how to create your python preset that creates a mise.toml
file to work with python
and pdm
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#MISE dir="{{cwd}}"
mise use pre-commit
mise config set env._.python.venv.path .venv
mise config set env._.python.venv.create true -t bool
mise tasks add lint -- pre-commit run -a
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#MISE dir="{{cwd}}"
#MISE depends=["preset:python"]
#USAGE arg "<version>"
mise use python@$usage_version
mise use pdm@latest
mise config set hooks.postinstall "pdm sync"
Then in any directory, you can run mise preset:pdm 3.10
to scaffold a new project with python
and pdm
cd my-project
mise preset:pdm 3.10
# [preset:python] $ ~/.config/mise/tasks/preset/python
# mise WARN No untrusted config files found.
# mise ~/my-project/mise.toml tools: [email protected]
# [preset:pdm] $ ~/.config/mise/tasks/preset/pdm 3.10
# mise WARN No untrusted config files found.
# mise ~/my-project/mise.toml tools: [email protected]
# mise ~/my-project/mise.toml tools: [email protected]
# mise creating venv with uv at: ~/my-project/.venv
# Using CPython 3.10.15 interpreter at: /Users/simon/.local/share/mise/installs/python/3.10.15/bin/python
# Creating virtual environment at: .venv
# Activate with: source .venv/bin/
~/my-project via 🐍 v3.10.15 (.venv)
# we are in the virtual environment ^
Here is the generated mise.toml
pdm = "latest"
pre-commit = "latest"
python = "3.10"
postinstall = "pdm sync"
path = ".venv"
create = true
run = "pre-commit run -a"