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Mise + Node.js Cookbook

Here are some tips on managing Node.js projects with mise.

Getting started with Node.js

To install Node.JS, in a directory, you can use the following command:

mise use node

This will install the latest version of Node.js and create a mise.toml file with the following content:

node = "latest"

If you want to install Node.JS globally instead (for example, node v22), you can use the following command:

mise use -g node@22

Add node modules binaries to the PATH

When installing Node.js packages specified in package.json, you typically need to use npx or the full path to the binary. For example:

npm install --save eslint
eslint --version # doesn't work
npx eslint --version # works

Thanks to mise, you can add the node modules binaries to the PATH. This will make CLIs installed with npm available without npx.

_.path = ['{{config_root}}/node_modules/.bin']


npm install --save eslint
eslint --version # works

Example Node.js Project

min_version = "2024.9.5"

_.path = ['{{config_root}}/node_modules/.bin']

# Use the project name derived from the current directory
PROJECT_NAME = "{{ config_root | basename }}"

# Set up the path for node module binaries
BIN_PATH = "{{ config_root }}/node_modules/.bin"

NODE_ENV = "{{ env.NODE_ENV | default(value='development') }}"

# Install Node.js using the specified version
node = "{{ env['NODE_VERSION'] | default(value='lts') }}"

# Install some npm packages globally if needed
"npm:typescript" = "latest"
"npm:eslint" = "latest"
"npm:jest" = "latest"

alias = "i"
description = "Install npm dependencies"
run = "npm install"

alias = "s"
description = "Start the development server"
run = "npm run start"

alias = "l"
description = "Run ESLint"
run = "eslint src/"

description = "Run tests"
alias = "t"
run = "jest"

description = "Build the project"
alias = "b"
run = "npm run build"

description = "Print project information"
run = '''
echo "Project: $PROJECT_NAME"

Example with pnpm

This example uses pnpm as the package manager. This will skip installing dependencies if the lock file hasn't changed.

node = '22'

# Enabling corepack will install the `pnpm` package manager specified in your package.json
# alternatively, you can also install `pnpm` with mise
postinstall = 'npx corepack enable'

_.path = ['./node_modules/.bin']

description = 'Installs dependencies with pnpm'
run = 'pnpm install'
sources = ['package.json', 'pnpm-lock.yaml', 'mise.toml']
outputs = ['node_modules/.pnpm/lock.yaml']

description = 'Calls your dev script in `package.json`'
run = 'node --run dev'
depends = ['pnpm-install']

With this setup, getting started in a NodeJS project is as simple as running mise dev:

  • mise will install the correct version of NodeJS
  • mise will enable corepack
  • pnpm install will be run before node --run dev

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