mise settings
- Usage:
mise settings [FLAGS] [KEY] [VALUE] <SUBCOMMAND>
- Source code:
Manage settings
Setting name to get/set
Setting value to set
Global Flags
-l --local
Use the local config file instead of the global one
-a --all
List all settings
-J --json
Output in JSON format
Output in JSON format with sources
-T --toml
Output in TOML format
mise settings add [-l --local] <KEY> <VALUE>
mise settings get [-l --local] <KEY>
mise settings ls [FLAGS] [KEY]
mise settings set [-l --local] <KEY> <VALUE>
mise settings unset [-l --local] <KEY>
# list all settings
$ mise settings
# get the value of the setting "always_keep_download"
$ mise settings always_keep_download
# set the value of the setting "always_keep_download" to "true"
$ mise settings always_keep_download=true
# set the value of the setting "node.mirror_url" to "https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/node"
$ mise settings node.mirror_url https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/node