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Ubi Backend

You may install GitHub Releases and URL packages directly using ubi backend. ubi is directly compiled into the mise codebase so it does not need to be installed separately to be used. ubi is the preferred backend when it functions for tools as it is the simplest and requires minimal configuration.

The code for this is inside of the mise repository at ./src/backend/


The following installs the latest version of goreleaser and sets it as the active version on PATH:

$ mise use -g ubi:goreleaser/goreleaser
$ goreleaser --version

The version will be set in ~/.config/mise/config.toml with the following format:

"ubi:goreleaser/goreleaser" = "latest"

Tool Options

The following tool-options are available for the ubi backend—these go in [tools] in mise.toml.


The exe option allows you to specify the executable name in the archive. This is useful when the archive contains multiple executables.

If you get an error like could not find any files named cli in the downloaded zip file, you can use the exe option to specify the executable name:

"ubi:cli/cli" = { exe = "gh" } # github's cli


Set a string to match against the release filename when there are multiple files for your OS/arch, i.e. "gnu" or "musl". Note that this is only used when there is more than one matching release filename for your OS/arch. If only one release asset matches your OS/arch, then this will be ignored.

"ubi:BurntSushi/ripgrep" = { matching = "musl" }

Supported Ubi Syntax

  • GitHub shorthand for latest release version: ubi:goreleaser/goreleaser
  • GitHub shorthand for specific release version: ubi:goreleaser/[email protected]
  • URL syntax: ubi:

Licensed under the MIT License. Maintained by @jdx and friends.