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mise plugins install [OPTIONS] [NEW_PLUGIN] [GIT_URL]

Aliases: a, add, i

Install a plugin

note that mise automatically can install plugins when you install a tool
e.g.: `mise install node@20` will autoinstall the node plugin

This behavior can be modified in ~/.config/mise/config.toml

Usage: plugins install [OPTIONS] [NEW_PLUGIN] [GIT_URL]

          The name of the plugin to install
          e.g.: node, ruby
          Can specify multiple plugins: `mise plugins install node ruby python`

          The git url of the plugin

  -f, --force
          Reinstall even if plugin exists

  -a, --all
          Install all missing plugins
          This will only install plugins that have matching shorthands.
          i.e.: they don't need the full git repo url

  -v, --verbose...
          Show installation output

    # install the node via shorthand
    $ mise plugins install node

    # install the node plugin using a specific git url
    $ mise plugins install node

    # install the node plugin using the git url only
    # (node is inferred from the url)
    $ mise plugins install

    # install the node plugin using a specific ref
    $ mise plugins install node

Licensed under the MIT License. Maintained by @jdx and friends.