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Mise + Neovim Cookbook

Here are some tips for an improved mise workflow with Neovim.

Code highlight for run commands

Use Treesitter to highlight code in the run commands of your mise files as shown on the left side of the image:


In your neovim config, create a after/queries/toml/injections.scm file with these queries:

; extends

  (bare_key) @key (#eq? @key "run")
  (string) @injection.content @injection.language

  (#match? @injection.language "^\"\"\"\n*#!(/\\w+)+/env\\s+\\w+") ; multiline shebang using env
  (#gsub! @injection.language "^.*#!/.*/env%s+([^%s]+).*" "%1") ; extract lang
  (#offset! @injection.content 0 3 0 -3) ; rm quotes

  (bare_key) @key (#eq? @key "run")
  (string) @injection.content @injection.language

  (#match? @injection.language "^\"\"\"\n*#!(/\\w+)+\s*\n") ; multiline shebang
  (#gsub! @injection.language "^.*#!/.*/([^/%s]+).*" "%1") ; extract lang
  (#offset! @injection.content 0 3 0 -3) ; rm quotes

  (bare_key) @key (#eq? @key "run")
  (string) @injection.content

  (#match? @injection.content "^\"\"\"\n*.*") ; multiline
  (#not-match? @injection.content "^\"\"\"\n*#!") ; no shebang
  (#offset! @injection.content 0 3 0 -3) ; rm quotes
  (#set! injection.language "bash") ; default to bash

  (bare_key) @key (#eq? @key "run")
  (string) @injection.content

  (#not-match? @injection.content "^\"\"\"") ; not multiline
  (#offset! @injection.content 0 1 0 -1) ; rm quotes
  (#set! injection.language "bash") ; default to bash

To only apply the highlighting on mise files instead of all toml files, the is-mise? predicate is used. If you don't care for this distinction, the lines containing (#is-mise?) can be removed. Otherwise, make sure to also create the predicate somewhere in your neovim config.

For example, using lazy.nvim:

  init = function()
    require("vim.treesitter.query").add_predicate("is-mise?", function(_, _, bufnr, _)
      local filepath = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(tonumber(bufnr) or 0)
      local filename = vim.fn.fnamemodify(filepath, ":t")
      return string.match(filename, ".*mise.*%.toml$")
    end, { force = true, all = false })

This will consider any toml file containing mise in its name as a mise file.

Enable LSP for embedded lang in run commands

Use otter.nvim to enable LSP features and code completion for code embedded in your mise files.

Again using lazy.nvim:

  dependencies = {
  config = function()
    vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "FileType" }, {
      pattern = { "toml" },
      group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("EmbedToml", {}),
      callback = function()

This will only work if the TS injection queries are also set up.

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